If you’re holding onto a promising business concept but not quite ready to leave your current job, consider joining StartupLab.
Let us assist you in evaluating and refining your idea!
If you are interested but have missed a deadline, please contact us.
Arctic Business StartupLab comprises three components: learning sessions, a digital learning platform, and individual coaching sessions. During the learning sessions, we will cover all the essential elements necessary for crafting a compelling pitch for your idea. The final learning session will provide an opportunity for you to present your idea and receive valuable feedback.
The digital learning platform serves as an extensive resource, offering insights into various aspects of startups, including understanding fundraising processes and considerations for engaging potential customers.
In StartupLab you are invited to participate in four, one-hour Learning Sessions, which can be attended either online or in person at our offices.
These sessions are tailored to provide you with valuable tools in the development of your business plan and in the last session you will get the opportunity to pitch your business plan to Arctic Business Senior business advisors for constructive feedback.
This opportunity aims to empower you with essential skills for advancing your business endeavors.
In our coaching sessions, you’ll team up with one of our Business Advisors to refine your business plan. Brainstorm around fresh ideas, sharing thoughts, and getting some professional advice on what steps to take next for your business.
Our professional guidance aims to facilitate informed decision-making and help your business move forward.
In our online learning platform you will have the opportunity to take part of valuable learning material based on Lean Startup Methodology for Startups.
You can read up on the learning material in your own pace at any time.
We are curious to know more about you and your idea! Fill in the form with a short summary of your idea and we will set up a meeting with you.
We work under complete confidentiality.
With the NABC++ model
What problem or need are you attempting to solve?
How do you intend to solve this and make money?
What are the benefits of your offering vs. competition?
Who are the competitors (not buying is always one)?
Who are you and what are your driving forces and visions?
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